Frequently Asked Questions

How can we help you?


The Xesty Food Co is a mixed reality platform that allows for the sale of both real physical goods (mostly food but not necessarily) and virtual goods, allowing merchant registrants the ability to practice selling virtual goods, but also the option to switch to the real thing, at any time, on demand.

The platform features a mobile application that lists products for sale from our members, and a Menu Management System (MMS) to manage merchandise and track orders.

We focus predominately on food and beverage businesses, and have an application process for helping interested small business owners obtain the proper permits to legally sell food. Specifically, we specialize in Cottage Food Operator permits, but can also help members obtain other permits (e.g. Temporary Food Facility permits, Street Vending permits, Mobile Food Vendor / Food Truck permits, Farmers Market Vendorships, commercial kitchens, etc).

Food and beverage permits types vary from state to state. We are predominately based in California, and so the types of permits we can help an applicant receive are, as an example:

  • Cottage Food Operator premits, A and B
  • Street Vendor permits (SB 972)
  • Temporary Food Facility permits
  • Mobile Food Vendor / Food Truck permits
  • Farmers Market Vendorships

Interested in becoming a Cottage Food Operator, please fill out the registration form here: Registration

Cottage Food Operators

A small business that produces homemade foods and is partially exempt from the regulations governing larger commercial food operations.

Within the US, there are cottage food operators laws in 49 of the 50 states. All states except New Jersey has some form of a cottage food operators permits. We are not limited entirely to just cottage food operator permits, though.

Check the dropdowns for each state for more info about their Cottage Food laws.

Check the dropdowns for each state for more info about what types of foods you can make under Cottage Food laws:

Have more questions?

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[email protected]

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